The Only Personal Development Tool You Need

The ultimate self-improvement tool is something you already have

Keep your house in order

Keep family life running smoothly

Streamline chores and errands

Get your caregivers up to speed

Become effectively immortal (or at least manage your own death)

Quit procrastinating

Focus on your goals

Gain perspective

Find your next role

Learn each other’s needs

Set up your systems

Brainstorm collaboratively

Be the boss

Manage your time (and your team’s)

Prioritize your people


Improve your dating life

Spice up your sex life

Try new activities

Make hosting effortless

Understand your body

Improve your mental health

Prepare for emergencies

Navigate Covid

Organize your financial records

Manage your money with your partner

Make travel a breeze

Dive into a hobby

Keep the creative juices flowing

Treat yourself

Engage with your faith


Push for transparency

Manage crises

Compile resources