How to Clean and Maintain Timber Windows

How to Clean and Maintain Timber Windows

Wooden windows have always been considered a building’s embellishment, but the value of timber window blocks lies elsewhere. Regular checks and proper care can extend their useful life up to 100 years. The exceptional properties of such structures have become the reason for their popularity, which has not faded away to this day.

It doesn’t take much to protect your wooden windows from further refurbishments. It is enough to devote some time and check the wood’s condition once a year. Timely elimination of any defects will allow you to forget about drafts and create a perfect microclimate. The test of time will be passed, you just have to listen to simple advice.

General cleaning – carry out regularly at least twice a year

Proper care of Victorian or Georgian style double-sash windows begins with a general cleaning. Simply removing dust from the glass will not be enough if you want to enjoy the comfort without sash windows renovation. It is worth taking care of the cleanliness of other elements of your window block:


  • wipe all hard-to-get spots on the frame and windowsill with a damp cloth;
  • vacuum your window with special care;
  • wipe the glass dry with a non-streak cloth.

These simple steps are enough to keep your double sash windows clean. It’s best to do general cleaning at the end of each season, but sometimes once a year is enough. If you need, contact the professionals for help.

Painting sash windows correctly

The best protection against getting moisture on wood is painting it. The right paint will help prevent your window frame from swelling and decay, as well as create stylish interior and exterior design. In order for your idea to become the best solution and paint your windows, you need to do this beforehand:


  • close the glass from paint ingress;
  • sand the surface;
  • remove dust from the frame with a brush or lint-free cloth;
  • remove fittings and other elements;
  • wait until the layer is completely dry.

The entire surface should be painted evenly, because the service life of your window will depend on this. In order to avoid frequent repairs, it is worth paying special attention to the outside of your windows.

Look out for rotten timber

Rotting wood is the main cause of drafts and unpleasant sounds. It is quite easy to avoid troubles, because modern technologies allow you to eliminate any defects quickly and effectively. In order to find a problem area, you just need to probe the frame.

If during your inspection you noticed that the wood is soft or loose in some places, it is worth contacting the Chameleon staff for help. We offer to quickly repair your damage using such quality materials as:


  • epoxy resin;
  • seals;
  • wood hardeners.

Full timber windows restoration will allow you to forget about the consequences of decay and enjoy the support of specialists. You get a guarantee for the result of this work. Reducing noise and improving sound insulation is much easier than it might seem at first glance.