Top Causes of Water Seepage and Leaks in the Basement

Water seepage and leaks in the basement can lead to serious damage to your home and property. And that’s not even mentioning the potential health hazards associated with water in the basement. Basement waterproofing is an essential step to protect your home and ensure its longevity.

In this guide, we will discuss the top causes of water seepage and leaks in the basement, as well as how to properly identify the issues and some tips for preventing or repairing them. Whether you’re a homeowner or a contractor, this article will provide valuable information to help keep your basement safe and dry.

Protect Hardscapes for Cold Winter Months

Your hardscapes take a beating in the winter months. This includes landscaping like driveways, sidewalks, garages, and other areas. In the winter, these are the places where you might experience snow and ice and have to do something about it.

What that means is these locations are often the source of water runoff. And that water is going to look for a place to go. What if it ends up in the basement?

Basement waterproofing prepares for circumstances just like this. The goal is to ensure that water runoff isn’t going to be able to damage your foundation or your home, keeping that excess water from finding its way into the basement.

Causes of Water Seepage and Leaks in the Basement

What generally leads to water in the basement? These are the top suspects:

  • Cracks in the foundation
  • Poor grading or drainage
  • Clogged gutters and downspouts
  • Hydrostatic pressure
  • Plumbing leaks

Unfortunately, it’s not just one root cause that ends up putting water in the basement. In one situation, it might be that you need to repair cracks in the foundation. However, in another basement, the problem might just be that the gutters are clogged up and not working effectively.

The one thing that all of these points have in common is that they prevent water from being routed away from the property as it should be. The result is water putting pressure on the foundation and often penetrating an unprotected layer.

How to Identify Water Seepage and Leaks in the Basement

Most of the time, when there is excess water in the basement you’re going to know. However, if it’s slow seepage or trickles into the basement, these can be harder to pinpoint. Your first hints are going to be excess moisture in places, particularly around doors, windows, or cracks.

When you step into the basement, does it feel overly damp? Are you noticing water on the walls or around the edges of the floors? These are some common indicators that you need to take action.

Other times, it might be more obvious, like puddles on the floor.

There are some water tests you can try out as well. One test is to run the garden hose within about 10 feet of your foundation for 20-30 minutes. Then check the basement for signs of water. This can use a lot of water, though, and it’s not always the best test.

Another common test is to use aluminum foil and duct tape. Simply tape some foil to the basement wall with duct tape and let it sit for 24 hours. When you remove the foil, are there water droplets on the foil?

Top Solutions to Prevent Water Seepage and Leaks in the Basement

If you suspect that you have water in the basement from seepage or leaks, there are some things you should do:

  • Basement waterproofing
  • External solutions such as grading or drainage
  • Seal cracks in the foundation
  • Practice preventative maintenance

What your home or property needs for basement waterproofing could vary slightly. Every home is different, and it’s important to first understand the cause of leaks or seepage before determining the solution.

Let Drycrete Waterproofing Help with Your Basement Waterproofing Needs

If you’re experiencing any of these issues with your basement or you suspect moisture problems, contact us at Drycrete Waterproofing. We’ve been serving the basement waterproofing industry for more than a decade and can help you create the right solution for your needs.